Well, from the title of this post, you've probably already figured out the theme of this contest. Most runners become very attached to their style of running shoe. Some never stray from style or brand. For some it's even hard for them to part with a particular pair of shoes. Even though they know they're way beyond being safe to run in, they still hang on to them. Elizabeth Quinn from About.com recommends "that you replace running shoes between 350-550 miles depending on your running style, body weight, and the surface on which you run. Lighter runners can get closer to the upper end of the recommendation while heavier runners are harder on shoes and should consider replacement shoes closer to 350 miles." 

This contest is a chance to honor and celebrate those loyal trainers that have served you well, but are past their prime. Take a photo of your most "worn-out" pair of running shoes and email them to RunnerDude at runnerdudeblog@yahoo.com by July 1st. That gives you about 2 weeks! On July 2nd, the photos of the top 5 most worn-out running shoes will be posted on the blog for the RunnerDude's Blog Readers to view and vote on. Voting for the posted photos will open on Thursday, July 2nd and will stay open until Sunday, July 5th! Can't wait to see some of these shoes!

Just a tidbit. Finishline is giving you $5 off a new pair of shoes if you bring in your old ones too :)
Thanks for the link up to Soles4Souls - I know a lot of runners (myself included) hanging on to a lot of old running shoes, and that's a perfect way to make sure those shoes go on to do some good in the world rather than ending up in the trash.
ohh that's a great giveaway contest.
i jsut gave up pretty much all my shoes to our local store which does a program like souls4soles...dohhh maybe I can go rough up my current pair ;)
Hey unathleticrunner!Thanks for the tip! That's great!
Hey IzzyBubbles! Brooks told me about Soles4Souls. That's where they send their gently used shoes too!
Hey RunToFinish! Important thing is your passed them on to someone who can get some use out of them. Kudos to you!!
haha this reminds me of a contest they had back in Vermont while I was growing up, it was something like the "stinkiest sneaker" contest. They really had judges smell the shoes. eww. haha!
Hey Heather! Shew! I'm glad all I have to do it look at pictures! LOl!
Oh gosh. I think you may have opened up a can of worms here. ;) I have worn out AND filthy.
Hey Jo Lynn! I'm just glad it's not a stinkiest shoe contest and I don't have to smell them! LOL!
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