So what do you do when you're at the drive-thru, faced with 500 options staring at you from the menu board? I don't know about you, but even on my most coherent days, I have trouble reading those things (couldn't possibly be due to my 44-year-old eyes). So often what comes out of my mouth is the easiest thing for me to remember—"Combo #1." Which usually this means something fried, with fries.
Well recently I stumbled across a great social site called WellSphere that's for people who have or who are striving for healthy lifestyles. Wellsphere’s mission is to help millions of people live healthier, happier lives by connecting them with the knowledge, people and tools they need to manage and improve their health. I joined the site and was quickly checking out all kinds of running and fitness-related communities and various members' blogs. Cool stuff!
To get back to that drive-thru ordering dilemma....WellSphere has the coolest widget called "Wellternatives" that you can download to your website or blog that lets you key-in a fast-food item such as "McDonald's Big Mac" and it will show you the total calories, carbs, fat, and fiber counts as well as suggest a better option from the menu. For example a Big Mac has 539 calories, 29 grams of fat, 45 grams of carbs, and 3 grams of fiber. Wellternatives recommends that you eat a double cheeseburger because it contains 439 calories, 23 grams of fat, 34 grams of carbs, and 2 grams of fiber. The suggested item saves you 100 calories, 7 grams of fat and about 9 grams of carbs. Now of course you would be even better off ordering the grilled chicken sandwich without mayo, but what the Wellternative widget does is suggest something comparable to what you had intended to order. Probably if you really want a burger, you're not going to order the chicken, but you may order a slightly healthier burger.
The Wellternatives widget is located in the right column of the blog. Give it a try. Plug in some fast foods and see what suggestions pop up. Even if you don't go with the better option, just seeing the stats on the item you plug in can be enough to keep you from ordering your original choice. If you like it, you can click on the "get widget" link and add it to your blog or website. Or, just use the widget here on RunnerDude's blog.
The Wellternatives widget is located in the right column of the blog. Give it a try. Plug in some fast foods and see what suggestions pop up. Even if you don't go with the better option, just seeing the stats on the item you plug in can be enough to keep you from ordering your original choice. If you like it, you can click on the "get widget" link and add it to your blog or website. Or, just use the widget here on RunnerDude's blog.
Drive thru fast-food isn't an issue for me at all. I do remember when the girls were very young, we'd get Mc D's little meals once in a while. I can't tell you the last time I ate from a fast-food place.
Oh, does a McFlurry count?
Hey Jo Lynn! That's great you've weaned yourself from the fastfood (well except for the McFlurries). We've done a lot better, but sometimes it's FastFood or no food and really busy days. But I have gotten the kids to make better choices. They'll actually eat the apples from McDonalds or the oranges from Wendy's instead of fries now. Major feat!
I'd never heard the Well widget - cool stuff. Another very comprehensive site for fast food options and nutritional info is http://www.calorieking.com. They have a wealth of info for those wanting to eat well at fast food. Wendy's Chili is one of my faves - great nutrition and low fat. Of course you've got Subway. Taco Bell has their Fresco menu which is pretty tasty too. The choices are out there; the secret is taking the mind we use to motivate and see us through runs and use it when ordering as well. Mind over menu...
Hey Jeff! Yep, I use the CalorieKing quite a bit. Great site. The different chains have gotten better about offering more choices that are better for you. I read some funny research the other day that said the better offerings were having an adverse affect on some. Becasue a customer saw that the place has healthy choices they felt better about buying the bad stuff. LOL!!! Go figure!
For myself, I haven't eaten fast food in years; aside from a flurry or Wendy's shake now and then. My idea of fast food is Saladworks or Wawa. However, for those who love their fast food, or depend on it for quickness, I think it is great that websites exist to help people (hopefully) make better choices.
Yay! Wendy's grilled chicken wrap is a wellternative!! That is the one thing I will buy from a fast food restaurant if I am starving. I was surprised that it has 11 grams of fat, the piece of chicken is small.
When I order one of those wraps with a large iced tea they always tell me that it will cost less if I get the meal with fries... go figure!! (I think it's something like 14 cents less!) If those fries were in my car I'd never be able to leave them alone so I spend the extra 14 cents to not get fries!!
Hey One Lil Jil!Welcome to the blog! I love Salad Works too! Unfortunately the one here in town didn't last. :-(
Hey Lorenda! I know what you mean. And I can't believe that McDonlad's won't substitute the apples for the fries! Chickfila's grilled chicken sandwich is pretty good too! Their carrot raisin salad isn't too bad for ya either and now they have a fruit cup and they'll let yo swap out the fries for other options.
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