How running changed my life? How hasn’t running changed my life is a better question. Let’s start from the beginning. January 2008 I walked into Weight Watchers weighing 276lbs. This is not the heaviest I have been but my brother was getting married in 8 months and I didn’t want to be the fat sister in all the pictures. My weight loss journey went well. By the time August came around I had lost 40lbs. I was still overweight but I felt much better about myself. Now that the wedding was over I was stuck. I thought; what next? I had a goal the first 8 months but now that I didn’t have something to reach for I didn’t know what to do with myself.
Around this time I came across the C25K program on the WW message board. The program intrigued me. Probably because my dad was a runner and I remember him running the NYC Marathon year after year. He was always super fit and loved to run. August 2008 I started week 1 of C25K. The program is 9 weeks long and it gradually increases your running up to 30 mins straight. You start with 60 second intervals of running and then walking. I wont lie the first week was pure torture. At 230lbs it was not easy. I kept with it and I completed the program October 2008. I signed up for my first 5k which would take place on Thanksgiving morning. At this point I was not running 3 miles yet so for the weeks after C25K and before the 5k I worked up to running 3 miles. It took me 45 mins but I couldn’t believe I was running! I ran the turkey trot in 39:02! I was so proud of myself. I ran the entire time!
Fast forward a little. I have run a bunch of 5ks and a 10k throughout the months. I decided that I would train for my first half marathon. I trained throughout the summer an
d I ran my first half marathon on October 11th. It was the most amazing feeling in the world. I wanted to cry several times during the race. I just kept thinking that a year ago I couldn’t run for 60 seconds and here I am running 13.1 miles! The best part is that I finished the race 25 mins faster then I expected! My finish time was 2:26:21!!!
In case you are wondering – I have continued to lose weight and I have lost a total of 98lbs to date. I know that if it wasn’t running I probably would have not lost this much weight. I owe my life to running.—Amanda
Go Amanda! You truly are amazing! Be sure to check out Amanda's Blog Manderz Journey to a New Life. Thanks for sharing your story, Amanda!
Congrats, Amanda! What great accomplishments!! Keep telling your story!
Yay! I love Amanda's blog. She is so inspiring and so honest. You feel you are right there with her. Thanks for featuring her!
This is such an inspiration to me! I feel like I am her! I am starting training for a 5k now! It is reading stories like this that makes me feel like I can do it! Thanks for writing this! It is really helping me! Thank you :)
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