RunningCompanyShoes.com is a company of runners who know the importance of a great running shoe. Knowing the frustration of finding your shoe at a great price, they set out to create a customer friendly, efficient, and low priced online running shoe outlet.

I just ordered two pairs of my favorite Saucony running shoe and I saved a ton! It was kind of fun waiting to see what color I got!
How to Enter:
To enter, simply email RunnerDude at runnerdudeblog@yahoo.com by 11:59PM (EST) Sunday, January 31st. Be sure to put "Running Shoe" in the email's subject line and put your name in the body of the email. That's it! Each email will be assigned a different number based on the order that the emails are received. The winning numbers will be selected by The True Random Number Generator at Random.org . The winners will be announced on Monday, February 1st. Just in time for Valentine's Day! "Whatcha" waiting for? Email RunnerDude today!
While you're waiting to see if you've won, be sure to checkout RunningCompanyShoes.com!
sweet! just in time, too. (there is never a bad time for a good deal!) thanks, runner dude!
Hi Gene! Gotta love a good deal, especially if you win the $50 certificate! Good Luck!
Perfect. Valentines day indeed!
I just emailed. Great contest!
Awesome! Good luck Adam and Mel!
I am definitely going to check out their website. I really try to support my local running shop, but it's really difficult when you find the same shoe online for $40 less. Thanks for the contest.
That's awesome! Thanks!
I just emailed you. Thanks
I am in on this one!
Sweet, and I just found your blog, too!
Great! I'll tweet about the contest. Good luck to everyone!
Their website is AWESOME and they have my FAV shoes!
It is always Fun with your prizes. Thank you!!!
Hey Ness! Thanks! And thanks to all the wonderful running and fitness companies that have provided such great prizes!
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