The NPTI program is a 6-month program that meets Mon-Thurs 9:30 to 2:30. It's a 78-mile commute each way from my home in Greensboro to the school's location in Raleigh, NC for the program, but it's only six months and it's an awesome program. Another great thing about the program is that in addition to receiving your personal training certification and nutrition consultant certification, it also qualifies you to take the Advanced Certified Personal Trainer (A-CPT) exam giving you the option to receive an even higher level of certification. Previously only someone with a Bachelor's Degree in a health-related field from a regionally accredited college or university could qualify to take the A-CPT, but the qualifications have been broadened to include 500-hour State Board of Education approved training programs, which fits the high standards of education received from the National Personal Training Institute (NPTI).
There are about 25 students in the class representing a wide range of age groups and backgrounds. There are 20 somethings, 30-somethings, 40-somethings, and 50-somethings. (I'm a 40-something.) There are a few that appear to be fresh out of high school, some recently graduated from college, some stay-at-home-moms who are returning to the work force, and several like me for whom this is a career change (some by choice and some from being laid off). Some of the students already have a strong fitness background, while for others, it's a completely new experience. It's only been a few days, but the group has melded nicely and I really think this is due to the diversity of the group—everybody has something different to contribute.

The program consist of 500 hours total. We spend 2.5hrs in class learning the curriculum, have lunch, and then spend 2 hours in the gym applying what we've learned. My brain hurts and my body hurts, but I've never been so excited and pumped! My dream of building a business around running, fitness, and nutrition is coming to light and that's an awesome feeling.
that's so fantastic!!!!
Thanks acey!
You've been working very hard toward this goal and no one deserves it more. Much success and happiness is sure to follow. All the best!
Thanks for sharing! I can totally relate. I made the switch from marine biology (boring, haha) to my current major, exercise and sports science, and I couldn't be happier about it! Keep up the great work!!
Thanks Becky! That means a great deal!
Hey Heather! Thanks! Hmmm...you sound like a great resource!!!
Congratulations! I can see you're excited about this. Good luck with everything. ;)
Does this mean you are going to stop handing out free advice on this blog?
Good Luck with all that! Lots of studying,but I bet you learn alot that can not only help others, but also yourself...
Hey Jo Lynn! The free info will continue to flow. LOL! Thinking I have enough here for a book!
Hey NY Wolve! Yep, been a long time since I hit the books, but I'm looking forward to all the info I'll learn and be able to pass along. Hope you're doing well. Any races on the horizon?
I'm so impressed! It takes so much courage to switch from an established career to try something new. I've been thinking of a career change myself recently, so I hope I find inspriration in your journey.
Wow, I'm actually really jealous. This sort of life change would be very exciting.
I am happy for you that you are following through with this. Again, I wish you much success!
Hey Honeybee! Thanks for the encouragement!
Hey TC! Did yo start your business when you were 10?! LOL! Thanks for the support! May just pick your brain sometime for ideas. Thanks!
Hey Adam! Thanks man. I'm really excited. Scared too, but excited.
Hey Running Through Life! Thanks man! Hope you and your family are having a great summer!
Exciting stuff, Thad. Best of luck.
I think it's always a good thing to merge passions with your day job. A lot of people forget to do that!
Hey David! Thanks man!
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