Workouts for Runners

I've had a blast over the past 7 months creating and sharing full-body workout videos that can be done at home. Now you can get access to all 20 workouts! You can stream them or download them. You can buy access to all 20 workouts or select just the ones you'd like. Each workout is a full-body (upper-body, lower-body, and core) workout. Over 100 exercises are used in the series. These workouts can be used in any order. The workouts require very little equipment, making them perfect for home use.

Click below to see a sample workout video, a list of the workout videos and a short video sharing more about the workouts.

Five Important Lower-Body Exercises for Runners

Upper-Body HIIT Workout for Runners

Lower-Body HIIT Workout For Runners

Gluteus Medius Workout for Runners

Core Circuit Workout for Runners

Ankle Strengthening Workout for Runners

Hamstring Exercises for Runners

Fun and Challenging Up/Down Plank Jack

Up-Down Planks RunnerDude Style from Thad McLaurin on Vimeo.

Kettle Bell Workout for Runners Created by Tommy Matthews
for RunnerDude's Blog

Dumbbell Core Workout for Runners

Push-Ups for Runners (This is a post not a video.)


Upper-Body Workout for Runners

Calf-Strengthening Workout for Runners

Increase Your Metabolism Workout for Runners

Full-Body Circuit Workout for Runners

Quick-n-Simple Interval Workout for Runners

Lower-Body Agility Workout for Runners