RunnerDude Gear Reviews

Welcome to RunnerDude's Gear Review!
One of my favorite things to do is test out the latest running and fitness gear and report back my findings to you the readers. I never accept a review request that comes with conditions. I pride myself on thoroughly using/testing-out the product and then sharing my own personal opinion based on my experience using the product. While many times the product reviewed has been provided by the maker, I receive no payment for completing the review. 

Scroll down to discover some of the most recent RunnerDude's Gear Reviews.


TevaSphere Trail Event

              TIMEX Run Trainer 2.0 GPS

Have a Product to Review?

If you are a company interested in having a RunnerDude's Gear Review done on your product, please send your request to Be sure to put "Product Review" in the subject line of the email. In the body of the email be sure to provide details about your product as well as your contact information.

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