Wednesday, September 23, 2020

TrueEnergy Sock Review

Back in the spring, TrueEnergy sent me a pair of their low cut socks to test out. With the pandemic in full force and my fitness studio shut down by the state, my mind was a bit distracted. The other day, I realized I had not posted my experience with the socks. I've been wearing them on just about all of my runs since I received them in early May. 

At first it was for the sole purpose of testing them out for a review, but then I realized they were becoming my go-to socks for my runs, everyday wear too.

Why? Well, bottom line they are comfortable. I like the way they contour my foot. They are snug and don't move around, but without feeling like the circulation's being cut off. The snug fit actually helps with circulation and keeping blisters at bay.

Now, the "special" thing about these socks is that they are "powered" by infrared nano-particles blended into the yarn. Your body's heat is captured by the nano-particles to produce infrared energy. Infrared energy expands your capillaries which improves circulation, stimulates cellular recovery and accelerates metabolism." This is suppose to help with recovery, reduce swelling, relax tight muscles, etc. 

Now I'm no scientist. I really can't tell you if all that techie stuff is working, but I can tell you they wear good, feel good, and I'm wearing them because I want too, not because I got them for free.

The other great thing is that they are affordable. I've often paid $15 or more a pair for running socks. The TrueEnergy low cut socks I tested are $19.99 for 3 pair! Three pair! The TreeEnergy socks come in low cut, crew, and over-the-calf. The low cut and crew are 3 pair for $19.99 and over-the-calf are 2 pair for $19.99. That's AWESOME!

Check them out and order a pack at

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

RunnerDude's At-Home Full-Body Workout #20

Need a full-body workout to do at home with limited equipment? Below is the RunnerDude Full-Body At Home Workout #20 that takes a little over 40 mins. The workout includes lower-body, Workouts 1-19).upper-body, and core exercises. (Be sure to checkout

The workout is a modified Tabata format. There are 9 rounds. Each round has 6 cycles of 30 sec work/10 sec rest. After all 6 cycles are complete, you get 1-min of rest before moving to the next round of 6 cycles. Each round either has one exercise for which each cycle you switch sides (i.e. lunges on your left side, then lunges on your right side), or there are two different exercises that you'll rotate between for the 6 cycles. I know you may have limited equipment at home, so the workout uses only a light-medium set of dumbbells. If you don't have dumbbells, try holding canned vegetables, or half or full-gallon jugs filled with water. You could also hold books or hold light ankle weights. If you don't have any weights or alternative weights, you can still do the movements without weights.

The workout is free, but if you'd like to make a donation for the workout in support of RunnerDude's Fitness during Covid-19, donations can be made via Venmo or Paypal

Give the workout a try and let me know what you think. Post some pics of you doing the workout and staying motivated!

For RunnerDude's Full-Body Workout #20, all you need is a mat and a light to medium pair of dumbbells.

RunnerDude's At-Home Full-Body Workout #19

Need a full-body workout to do at home with limited equipment? Below is the RunnerDude Full-Body At Home Workout #19 that takes a little over 40 mins. The workout includes lower-body, upper-body, and core exercises. (Be sure to checkout Workouts 1-18).

The workout is a modified Tabata format. There are 9 rounds. Each round has 6 cycles of 30 sec work/10 sec rest. After all 6 cycles are complete, you get 1-min of rest before moving to the next round of 6 cycles. Each round either has one exercise for which each cycle you switch sides (i.e. lunges on your left side, then lunges on your right side), or there are two different exercises that you'll rotate between for the 6 cycles. I know you may have limited equipment at home, so the workout uses only a light-medium set of dumbbells. If you don't have dumbbells, try holding canned vegetables, or half or full-gallon jugs filled with water. You could also hold books or hold light ankle weights. If you don't have any weights or alternative weights, you can still do the movements without weights.

The workout is free, but if you'd like to make a donation for the workout in support of RunnerDude's Fitness during Covid-19, donations can be made via Venmo or Paypal

Give the workout a try and let me know what you think. Post some pics of you doing the workout and staying motivated!

For RunnerDude's Full-Body Workout #19, all you need is a mat, a light to medium pair of dumbbells and an exercise step.