Congratulations to Lisa Ngai of Ferndale, Washington who is the lucky winner of the TIMEX Run Trainer
2.0 GPS watch!
Thanks to all that entered for the drawing. Be on the lookout for another RunnerDude's Blog giveaway soon!!!
Happy Running!
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Thursday, August 29, 2013
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
As a coach and personal trainer, there's nothing more rewarding than to see someone progress and realize their potential and that the only boundaries there are, are the ones we set for ourselves. The RunnerDude's Fitness motto is Trust. Believe. Conquer. TRUST is often the hardest part. Trusting yourself that you'll commit and stick with it. Trusting your trainer that he/she has your best interest at heart. BELIEVE is equally difficult. Believing that you can do things and achieve goals that before seemed so unattainable and out of reach is hard. CONQUER sometimes seems the most unattainable. How can you conquer a goal when just getting to a workout is overwhelming?
The good news is that it can be done. You can Trust in your training. You can Believe in yourself. You can Conquer that goal, no matter how unrealistic it may seem now.
The biggest key to success is having realistic goals. Frequently I have people come to me who want to run a marathon. My first question is, "When is the marathon?" My next question is, "Are you currently running and if so how far?" Often the response is "The race is in 3-4 months." and "I'm not running now." or "I'm running about 10 miles a week." While I don't want to burst the individual's bubble, I also, know this is an unrealistic goal. Yes, there probably is someone in the world who has gone from the couch to a marathon in 3 months, but my goal isn't to just get you across the finish line barely alive. My goal is to get you across that finish line healthy, alive, and motivated to continue for more. So, my response to these individuals is, "It's too soon for a marathon, but how about we work on a base-building plan for a few months. Once you're able to maintain a total weekly mileage of about 20-25 miles per week for at least a month, then we can look at marathon training."
Sometimes we're our own worst enemy. Running a marathon is not an unrealistic goal. Even if you're extremely obese and have never run in your life. Often the culprit is the time frame. We are a society of "now!" We want everything right now. So, often we'll pick a challenging goal and then put an unrealistic time frame in which to complete it. This is a recipe for failure. I see if over and over. However, if you take that same challenging goal and break it down into a realistic time frame with multiple short-term goals or bench marks along the way, then all the sudden your realize, "hey maybe I can do this."
My son, Duncan, is the perfect example. Overweight, on his own, he decided
to focus on a healthier lifestyle. He decided to stop eating fried foods. Pretty quickly he noticed some weight loss. So, then he started making more diet modifications. More weight came off. At the same time, he started working out at home. He noticed how working out increased his weight loss. So, he joined my beginning running group. He lost more weight. He started adding more workouts to the week. Before long, working out, eating right, and living healthy was a lifestyle not a burden. He's lost about 110lbs in a little over a year. His mind set has changed from, "I can't do that." to "What can't I do?" He's run 5Ks and a half-marathon and is in training for his second half-marathon with his eye on training for a spring full marathon. Incremental goals. Achievable goals. Goals he has and will continue to obtain.

Last night after the RUNegades group workout, she told me that when she signed up for the race she was literally sick on her stomach from fear over what she had done. But, then she thought about how far she's come and all that she's accomplished. Yesterday it hit her that she now thinks of herself as being able to do anything. She sees herself as a runner not just someone who runs. It's like all the sudden Trust. Believe. Conquer has become a reality. Kim gets the Gibson Daily Running Quote and the one she received yesterday so eloquently said what she was feeling.
"It takes guts just to step out the door for a run. Let alone take on a half-marathon. This is what makes the running community so remarkable. For in that shared belief in pushing limits and venturing into murky waters of a previously undoable race distance, there comes to exist a community of people buoyed constantly by hope and a sort of learned fearlessness. The weak grow strong. The strong carry on.
I don't know if there's a proper way to define toughness in a runner, but I do know that there comes a sudden moment when the mindset shifts. The impossible become doable, or at least attemptable. The long run goes from two miles to four to ten to fifteen, until it becomes routine at some point deep in an intense training cycle to knock off a couple hours without giving it a thought."
--Martin Dugard, Running Coach & NY Best-Selling Author.
Kim has had that moment. Her mindset has shifted. The impossible is now the doable. She's now looking past her approaching half-marathon to a full marathon. Can she do it? Hell yeah!
Saturday, August 17, 2013
And the Winner is......

Daniel Inman of Greensboro, NC who is the lucky winner of the GoPro HERO3 Silver Edition Camera!!
What are the chances that out of 1,400 entries Rafflecopter would randomly select Daniel, who just happens to be a good friend and client of mine?
Daniel is currently in my group marathon training program and training for the Richmond Marathon in November. Daniel is an elementary school PE teacher and also works part time at our local running store Off'n Running Sports.
Congrats Daniel and great job with your 16-mile long run in the rain this morning!
Thursday, August 15, 2013
RunnerDude's Gear Review: TevaSphere Trail Event Shoe
Hybrid is in these days. It's "green." It usually denotes something good, environmentally sound. So, I was excited when Teva contacted me about testing and reviewing their new TevaSphere Trail Event shoe.
I wasn't really sure what the shoe was about. I knew Teva more for their sandals and hiking shoes. From what I could tell It looked like a hybrid, an attempt to bridge the gap between the whole natural running movement and those that heel-strike. The slogan associated with the shoe was "Change Your Shoe, Not Your Stride." Well, that from the get-go, didn't really set too well with me.
Shoes tend to be the culprit in what causes heel-striking. The more traditional running shoe with the higher
heel-to-toe profile often promotes a heel-strike. Teva evidently did a lot of research (4+ years), but it seems they did the research more from the prospective of proving their point than actually comparing their shoe to other types (square heel traditional shoes and minimalist).
One point that sort of proves this is the data they report on weight of shoe verses stability. Their research shows the traditional square-heel running shoes as being heavy and borderline with stability. The minimalist shoe is shown as very light weight and providing the least stability. The TevaSphere is shown as a mid-weight shoe with the most stability. The rounded heel design, lower heel, and the exterior 3.5"-wide shock-absorbing pods located at the arch, are what Teva promotes as achieving this higher level of stability.
The problem I have with these findings is was the testing done with the same foot landing for each shoe? My point is, if you're wearing a minimalist shoe and running with a heel-strike like you would most likely be doing with a traditional running shoe, then yeah, there would be very little stability because you'd be landing on your heel with no cushion and then your foot probably would roll inward, since there'd be no arch support. BUT....if you're wearing a minimalist shoe and have adapted the more natural running form of a midfoot or forefoot landing, then there is no (or very little) inward roll because you're not landing on your heel. You're landing flat on your feet or possibly on the balls of your feet.
So, without knowing if each shoe type was tested in the modality in which it should be used, the Teva data on stability didn't really say much to me.
I have the same qualm with their data on Braking v. Accelerating. One of the biggest reasons to adapt a midfoot or forefoot foot strike is that it eliminates the "Braking Effect." When you heel-strike your foot lands well ahead of your center of mass causing you to land heel-first. This means instead of working with the oncoming pavement, you work against it...hence the "braking effect." You actually stop for a millisecond then your body has to pull you forward before pushing off. Running should be more of a push than a pull. To achieve more pushing than pulling-then-pushing, you need to draw that foot landing in so it's taking place more under your center of mass. A midfoot or forefoot landing will do this. The braking effect not only is less efficient because it requires more muscle activation to pull you forward causing fatigue to set in quicker, it also increases your chances of injury. Hitting the oncoming pavement jars the ankles, knees, hips, and lower back. Over time this can cause injury.
The TevaSphere Trail Event shoe is designed to lessen this braking effect with the use of a lower rounded heel. The rounded heel moves the point of impact closer to the center of the heel verses the back of the heel as in a traditional running shoe.
My problem with this again comes with testing. The TevaSphere is shown with the best ratio of braking forces to accelerating forces in stride (.91:1.0). The traditional running shoe with the square heel is worse at (.94:1.0) and bare foot running is the worst at (1.0:1.0). They don't provide information in a minimalist shoe. Sure if you're running barefoot and the testing has the runner heel-striking as you'd be doing in the two shoe versions, then yeah, it's going to be worse. BUT.... if you're landing midfoot or forefoot when barefoot running (or wearing minimalist shoes) then there is no braking effect because you're working with the pavement. Teva lauds the TevaSphere as decreasing the amount of braking effect that occurs. Why not eliminate it altogether with a midfoot landing? You can do that in any type of shoe (even a traditional running shoe) if you focus on it.
To me, it looks like a case of how can we stand out from the competition more than how can we best reduce injuries for runners.
I really like the idea of having a shoe that appeals to the runner that enjoys experiencing different types of running--road, trail, obstacle races, mud runs, etc. I like that the shoe sits lower to the ground. But let's skip the bells and whistles of the rounded heel and exterior arch supports. "Change Your Shoe, Not Your Stride" to me means..."Buy Our Shoe and You'll Have to Keep Buying Our Shoe." Not sure that's in my best interest.
Creating a multipurpose, water-resistant shoe, with a lower profile would have been great and could have been pitched as "One Shoe For All Your Runs."
When I first received the shoe and wasn't quite sure if it was a walking shoe, hiking shoe, trail shoe or running shoe, I emailed my contact to see if I could get a better explanation. I never received one. I don't think I'm the only one who is a bit confused. In the recent issue of Outside magazine (Sept 2013), they included the TevaSphere in a review of Minimalist Shoes. According to Teva they're not minimalist. Outside magazine also says the shoe is best for "Changing Your Stride." Teva promotes the shoe as a way to run better without changing your stride. Outside goes further so say that the shoe "encourages hikers (or runners) to land midfoot, forcing a forward-leaning position." They go further to say that their testers either loved the "three-and-a-half-inch-wide, shock-absorbing pods on either side of the arch while on flat trails or they couldn't get used to how conspicuous they felt, especially on rocky, technical terrain. I think Outside got this right. They're better pitched as hiking shoes. "If you're serious about hiking more efficiently, the 'Spheres are like training wheels that remind you of your form.
I am just one runner with one opinion. One runner's clunker shoe can very well be a godsend to another runner. But, at $140 a pop, I'd definitely find a store to test these in before ordering them or check the refund policy.
I wasn't really sure what the shoe was about. I knew Teva more for their sandals and hiking shoes. From what I could tell It looked like a hybrid, an attempt to bridge the gap between the whole natural running movement and those that heel-strike. The slogan associated with the shoe was "Change Your Shoe, Not Your Stride." Well, that from the get-go, didn't really set too well with me.
Shoes tend to be the culprit in what causes heel-striking. The more traditional running shoe with the higher
heel-to-toe profile often promotes a heel-strike. Teva evidently did a lot of research (4+ years), but it seems they did the research more from the prospective of proving their point than actually comparing their shoe to other types (square heel traditional shoes and minimalist).
One point that sort of proves this is the data they report on weight of shoe verses stability. Their research shows the traditional square-heel running shoes as being heavy and borderline with stability. The minimalist shoe is shown as very light weight and providing the least stability. The TevaSphere is shown as a mid-weight shoe with the most stability. The rounded heel design, lower heel, and the exterior 3.5"-wide shock-absorbing pods located at the arch, are what Teva promotes as achieving this higher level of stability.
The problem I have with these findings is was the testing done with the same foot landing for each shoe? My point is, if you're wearing a minimalist shoe and running with a heel-strike like you would most likely be doing with a traditional running shoe, then yeah, there would be very little stability because you'd be landing on your heel with no cushion and then your foot probably would roll inward, since there'd be no arch support. BUT....if you're wearing a minimalist shoe and have adapted the more natural running form of a midfoot or forefoot landing, then there is no (or very little) inward roll because you're not landing on your heel. You're landing flat on your feet or possibly on the balls of your feet.
So, without knowing if each shoe type was tested in the modality in which it should be used, the Teva data on stability didn't really say much to me.
I have the same qualm with their data on Braking v. Accelerating. One of the biggest reasons to adapt a midfoot or forefoot foot strike is that it eliminates the "Braking Effect." When you heel-strike your foot lands well ahead of your center of mass causing you to land heel-first. This means instead of working with the oncoming pavement, you work against it...hence the "braking effect." You actually stop for a millisecond then your body has to pull you forward before pushing off. Running should be more of a push than a pull. To achieve more pushing than pulling-then-pushing, you need to draw that foot landing in so it's taking place more under your center of mass. A midfoot or forefoot landing will do this. The braking effect not only is less efficient because it requires more muscle activation to pull you forward causing fatigue to set in quicker, it also increases your chances of injury. Hitting the oncoming pavement jars the ankles, knees, hips, and lower back. Over time this can cause injury.
The TevaSphere Trail Event shoe is designed to lessen this braking effect with the use of a lower rounded heel. The rounded heel moves the point of impact closer to the center of the heel verses the back of the heel as in a traditional running shoe.
My problem with this again comes with testing. The TevaSphere is shown with the best ratio of braking forces to accelerating forces in stride (.91:1.0). The traditional running shoe with the square heel is worse at (.94:1.0) and bare foot running is the worst at (1.0:1.0). They don't provide information in a minimalist shoe. Sure if you're running barefoot and the testing has the runner heel-striking as you'd be doing in the two shoe versions, then yeah, it's going to be worse. BUT.... if you're landing midfoot or forefoot when barefoot running (or wearing minimalist shoes) then there is no braking effect because you're working with the pavement. Teva lauds the TevaSphere as decreasing the amount of braking effect that occurs. Why not eliminate it altogether with a midfoot landing? You can do that in any type of shoe (even a traditional running shoe) if you focus on it.
To me, it looks like a case of how can we stand out from the competition more than how can we best reduce injuries for runners.
I really like the idea of having a shoe that appeals to the runner that enjoys experiencing different types of running--road, trail, obstacle races, mud runs, etc. I like that the shoe sits lower to the ground. But let's skip the bells and whistles of the rounded heel and exterior arch supports. "Change Your Shoe, Not Your Stride" to me means..."Buy Our Shoe and You'll Have to Keep Buying Our Shoe." Not sure that's in my best interest.
Creating a multipurpose, water-resistant shoe, with a lower profile would have been great and could have been pitched as "One Shoe For All Your Runs."
When I first received the shoe and wasn't quite sure if it was a walking shoe, hiking shoe, trail shoe or running shoe, I emailed my contact to see if I could get a better explanation. I never received one. I don't think I'm the only one who is a bit confused. In the recent issue of Outside magazine (Sept 2013), they included the TevaSphere in a review of Minimalist Shoes. According to Teva they're not minimalist. Outside magazine also says the shoe is best for "Changing Your Stride." Teva promotes the shoe as a way to run better without changing your stride. Outside goes further so say that the shoe "encourages hikers (or runners) to land midfoot, forcing a forward-leaning position." They go further to say that their testers either loved the "three-and-a-half-inch-wide, shock-absorbing pods on either side of the arch while on flat trails or they couldn't get used to how conspicuous they felt, especially on rocky, technical terrain. I think Outside got this right. They're better pitched as hiking shoes. "If you're serious about hiking more efficiently, the 'Spheres are like training wheels that remind you of your form.
I am just one runner with one opinion. One runner's clunker shoe can very well be a godsend to another runner. But, at $140 a pop, I'd definitely find a store to test these in before ordering them or check the refund policy.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Enter to For Chance to Win a Free TIMEX Run Trainer 2.0 GPS Watch!
Yesterday I posed a review of the new TIMEX Run Trainer 2.0 GPS watch. Now you have a chance to own one too! A $225 Value! For free! To learn more about this easy-to-use GPS be sure to check out my review.
Simply complete the entry options below and cross your fingers! Maybe you'll be the lucky winner! A few weeks, Larry McMaster from Oregon was the lucky winner of the Camelbak Cloud Walker Hydration backpack. Go Larry! You have until August 28th to enter. The winner will be announce on the blog on Thursday, August 29th.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
RunnerDude's Gear Review: The TIMEX Run Trainer 2.0
Many moons ago, while at the beach, I found a TIMEX Ironman sports watch that washed ashore. The band was ratty, but the watch looked good. It was still working, so I bought a new band and wore that foundling for several years. I was hooked on TIMEX. Ever since, I've had many different Ironman watches. I usually wear them until I lose them not because of technical difficulties. So, a few years back I was very excited when I saw a print ad for a new TIMEX GPS watch. I wondered when TIMEX was going to get into the GPS watch business. Seemed like such a natural fit.
TIMEX's first venture into the world of GPS produced a rather large and hard to use watch--the TIMEX Global Trainer. The next model that came out was the TIMEX Ironman Run Trainer 1.0. This version was much smaller and sleeker than the Global Trainer, but very difficult to use (at least for this runner). I found myself often very frustrated with it. I had a hard time getting the satellite signal quickly and really difficult time scrolling from screen to screen.
Because I'm such a loyal TIMEX user, I was excited to see that TIMEX updated the TIMEX Ironman Run Trainer to a 2.0 version. The old saying, "Three times the charm" held true. This version is not much bigger than a regular watch and is very much "out-of-the-box" ready to use.

My test for a GPS quickly can I figure out how to get the GPS signal, pace, and distance, and can I do it without having to dig into a manual. I figure for all the other bells and whistles, I'll need to do a little reading, but for the basics (to me anyway) I feel like it should be "in-your-face" simple. This time TIMEX got it dead on!
I love the large display (I'm 48, so if you're getting close to this age you'll know why this is nice). As compared to the 1.0 version, the 2.0 has a smaller case size and will fit both men and women. The TIMEX Run Trainer 2.0 GPS has a new menu-based system, which makes is much easier to navigate the various features. The 2.0 also has vibrating alerts, which is cool because you can still get your alerts while listening to music. The 2.0 is a little lighter than the 1.0 version too. It also has interval timers based on time or distance. Like the 1.0 version it's still water resistant to 50M and is approved for swim.
The 2.0 also includes:
* real-time distance, pace, speed, heart rate, etc.
* quick signal with SiRFstarIV technology
* 15-workout memory with dated summary
* free access to online training log
* desktop device agent allowing for easy changes to watch and performance settings
* 100-lap chrono with customizable 2- or 3-line display
* hands-free chrono operation based on distance and time
* pace, speed, and distance vibrating/audible alerts
* hydration and nutrition alerts
* interval timer with segments based on time or distance
* customizable alarm with backup
* rechargeable LI-Ion batter with 8-hour life if full GPS mode
* compatible with ANT+ sensors for heart rate and foot pod data
* INDIGLO night-light with NIGHT-MODE feature and Constant-On options.
Retails for $225 ($275 w/heart rate monitor)
So, if you're looking for a great easy-to-use GPS from a dependable company, check out the TIMEX GPS Run Trainer 2.0 GPS. Ultra Marathoner Meredith Dolhare also trains and races with the TIMEX Run Trainer 2.0. Check out her bio here. To see all the TIMEX GPS models click here.
PS: Be on the lookout for a giveway soon!!!!
Notice: While TIMEX provided the featured product for review, they in no way requested a positive review nor did I receive compensation for my reveiw. My review is based on my personal experience with the product.
TIMEX's first venture into the world of GPS produced a rather large and hard to use watch--the TIMEX Global Trainer. The next model that came out was the TIMEX Ironman Run Trainer 1.0. This version was much smaller and sleeker than the Global Trainer, but very difficult to use (at least for this runner). I found myself often very frustrated with it. I had a hard time getting the satellite signal quickly and really difficult time scrolling from screen to screen.
Because I'm such a loyal TIMEX user, I was excited to see that TIMEX updated the TIMEX Ironman Run Trainer to a 2.0 version. The old saying, "Three times the charm" held true. This version is not much bigger than a regular watch and is very much "out-of-the-box" ready to use.

My test for a GPS quickly can I figure out how to get the GPS signal, pace, and distance, and can I do it without having to dig into a manual. I figure for all the other bells and whistles, I'll need to do a little reading, but for the basics (to me anyway) I feel like it should be "in-your-face" simple. This time TIMEX got it dead on!
I love the large display (I'm 48, so if you're getting close to this age you'll know why this is nice). As compared to the 1.0 version, the 2.0 has a smaller case size and will fit both men and women. The TIMEX Run Trainer 2.0 GPS has a new menu-based system, which makes is much easier to navigate the various features. The 2.0 also has vibrating alerts, which is cool because you can still get your alerts while listening to music. The 2.0 is a little lighter than the 1.0 version too. It also has interval timers based on time or distance. Like the 1.0 version it's still water resistant to 50M and is approved for swim.
The 2.0 also includes:
* real-time distance, pace, speed, heart rate, etc.
* quick signal with SiRFstarIV technology
* 15-workout memory with dated summary
* free access to online training log
* desktop device agent allowing for easy changes to watch and performance settings
* 100-lap chrono with customizable 2- or 3-line display
* hands-free chrono operation based on distance and time
* pace, speed, and distance vibrating/audible alerts
* hydration and nutrition alerts
* interval timer with segments based on time or distance
* customizable alarm with backup
* rechargeable LI-Ion batter with 8-hour life if full GPS mode
* compatible with ANT+ sensors for heart rate and foot pod data
* INDIGLO night-light with NIGHT-MODE feature and Constant-On options.
Retails for $225 ($275 w/heart rate monitor)
So, if you're looking for a great easy-to-use GPS from a dependable company, check out the TIMEX GPS Run Trainer 2.0 GPS. Ultra Marathoner Meredith Dolhare also trains and races with the TIMEX Run Trainer 2.0. Check out her bio here. To see all the TIMEX GPS models click here.
PS: Be on the lookout for a giveway soon!!!!
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Got Ouchy Shins?
Whether you're new to running or training for a marathon, ouchy shins are
often a complaint. This pain down the inner or medial portion of the lower leg along the shin is commonly referred to as shin splints. Often a runner experiencing shin splints will first notice the pain after the run. Overtime, the pain will surface during the run.
The correct term for what you're experiencing is medial tibial stress syndrome.
The cause of medial tibial stress syndrome is often debated, but most agree that it's caused by overuse.
Experienced runners think of shin splints as a new runner's problem. So, they're often baffled when they experience the symptoms themselves. A seasoned runner can experience shin splints with a sudden increase in training frequency or intensity. Ahhh....sound familiar? That's why seasoned runners often experience shin pain during the early stages of race training or even later in marathon training if the runner starts to up the intensity or push too hard.
Other causes can be lack of calcium, running on hard surfaces, running hills, ill fitted running shoes, or severe overpronation.
Sometimes the pain, soreness, or swelling is felt on the outside or lateral side of the shin. This is called lateral tibial stress syndrome.
New runners that heel strike often experience lateral tibial stress syndrome. The tibialis anterior muscle is the muscle that runs down the outside or lateral side of the shin. This muscle is used to lift the toes. A heel-striker lifts his/her toes each time they strike the ground. So, if a person suddenly goes from not running to running for several minutes, all the sudden they've overtaxed the tibialis anterior causing inflammation resulting in soreness.
So what do you do if you have shin splints? Recognize the symptoms and act promptly. If you notice soreness on either side of the shin after a run, ice and elevate the leg. Ice is great for reducing inflammation. I always tell my runners to keep a bag of frozen peas in the freezer. It makes a great ice pack. Just place the ice on for 5-minutes on 5-minutes off for about 20-30 minutes. Icing throughout the day may help as well. Anti-inflammatory painkillers may add additional relief. If it's still sore the next day, take a break from running. Swim, cycle, or do other low-impact exercise for a few days.
Evaluating your running shoes is a good idea too. Is it time for a new pair? Do you have 300-500 miles on your shoes? If so, it might be time for a new pair. Were you properly fitted and have the correct type of shoe for your feet? If you're not sure, go to your local running store and ask them to evaluate your feet and help you get the best shoe for your foot type. If you're a severe overpronator, custom orthodics may help with shin splint symptoms. Analysing your stride can also be useful. Are you overstriding and heel-striking? If so, work on pulling-in that foot landing. Strive more for a mid-foot or fore-foot landing under your center of mass. This helps the body work with the oncoming pavement. It also helps the body work more like a shock absorber.
Some "pre-hab" exercises can help strengthen the ankles and lower leg which may help keep runners from experiencing shin splints. Click here for some simple but effective ankle and lower leg exercises. If you're currently experiencing shin splints, wait until the soreness/pain has subsided for a couple of days before doing any exercises.
As with any pain/soreness that persists after a couple of days, check in with your medical professional immediately. If you're not able to put pressure on your lower leg, definitely head to the urgent care. Persisting pain along the inner shin could be a sign of an actual stress fracture in the bone.
If lateral pain persists, it could possibly be compartment syndrome which can be pretty serious. This is more related to poor circulation in the affected area because of increased pressure in the area.
If you're having to alter your stride to compensate for pain, then you need to check in with your sports doc immediately. Compensating for one pain can often cause other problems in other areas of your body.
often a complaint. This pain down the inner or medial portion of the lower leg along the shin is commonly referred to as shin splints. Often a runner experiencing shin splints will first notice the pain after the run. Overtime, the pain will surface during the run.
The correct term for what you're experiencing is medial tibial stress syndrome.
The cause of medial tibial stress syndrome is often debated, but most agree that it's caused by overuse.
Experienced runners think of shin splints as a new runner's problem. So, they're often baffled when they experience the symptoms themselves. A seasoned runner can experience shin splints with a sudden increase in training frequency or intensity. Ahhh....sound familiar? That's why seasoned runners often experience shin pain during the early stages of race training or even later in marathon training if the runner starts to up the intensity or push too hard.
Other causes can be lack of calcium, running on hard surfaces, running hills, ill fitted running shoes, or severe overpronation.
Sometimes the pain, soreness, or swelling is felt on the outside or lateral side of the shin. This is called lateral tibial stress syndrome.
New runners that heel strike often experience lateral tibial stress syndrome. The tibialis anterior muscle is the muscle that runs down the outside or lateral side of the shin. This muscle is used to lift the toes. A heel-striker lifts his/her toes each time they strike the ground. So, if a person suddenly goes from not running to running for several minutes, all the sudden they've overtaxed the tibialis anterior causing inflammation resulting in soreness.
So what do you do if you have shin splints? Recognize the symptoms and act promptly. If you notice soreness on either side of the shin after a run, ice and elevate the leg. Ice is great for reducing inflammation. I always tell my runners to keep a bag of frozen peas in the freezer. It makes a great ice pack. Just place the ice on for 5-minutes on 5-minutes off for about 20-30 minutes. Icing throughout the day may help as well. Anti-inflammatory painkillers may add additional relief. If it's still sore the next day, take a break from running. Swim, cycle, or do other low-impact exercise for a few days.
Evaluating your running shoes is a good idea too. Is it time for a new pair? Do you have 300-500 miles on your shoes? If so, it might be time for a new pair. Were you properly fitted and have the correct type of shoe for your feet? If you're not sure, go to your local running store and ask them to evaluate your feet and help you get the best shoe for your foot type. If you're a severe overpronator, custom orthodics may help with shin splint symptoms. Analysing your stride can also be useful. Are you overstriding and heel-striking? If so, work on pulling-in that foot landing. Strive more for a mid-foot or fore-foot landing under your center of mass. This helps the body work with the oncoming pavement. It also helps the body work more like a shock absorber.
Some "pre-hab" exercises can help strengthen the ankles and lower leg which may help keep runners from experiencing shin splints. Click here for some simple but effective ankle and lower leg exercises. If you're currently experiencing shin splints, wait until the soreness/pain has subsided for a couple of days before doing any exercises.
As with any pain/soreness that persists after a couple of days, check in with your medical professional immediately. If you're not able to put pressure on your lower leg, definitely head to the urgent care. Persisting pain along the inner shin could be a sign of an actual stress fracture in the bone.
If lateral pain persists, it could possibly be compartment syndrome which can be pretty serious. This is more related to poor circulation in the affected area because of increased pressure in the area.
If you're having to alter your stride to compensate for pain, then you need to check in with your sports doc immediately. Compensating for one pain can often cause other problems in other areas of your body.
Monday, August 5, 2013
RunnerDude Chats with MTV's Kenny Santucci
Several times on the blog, I've posted about the benefits of Mother Nature's sports drink--100% coconut water. I use it for long runs and it's really helped keep me well hydrated and my calves cramp-free on long runs since I've been using it. My favorite brand of 100% coconut water is ZICO [Zee-Koh]. So, when ZICO contacted me about interviewing one of their Team ZICO members, I said, "Sure thing." Through Team ZICO, ZICO supports/sponsors a wide range of athletes from ultra runners to skiers, to decathletes, to gymnasts to surfers, just to name a few of the sports involved.

ZICO hooked me up with team member, Kenny Santucci. You may now Kenny better as MTV's reality star from it's Challenge shows for many seasons. Since 2006-7 he's been a staple in many of the show's versions, most recently Challenge Mania: The Road to Rivals II.
Kenny, 30 years old, was born in Newark, NJ and currently resides in NYC. To learn a bit more about this reality star, I asked a few questions about fitness and his preparation for the Aquaphor NYC Triathlon as a member of Team ZICO.
RD: Did you grow up in an athletic family?
Kenny: No, not at all.
RD: Were you athletic in school? Play any sports?
Kenny: Played baseball as a little kid. I was a fat kid till I started wrestling in high school. I started running too. Love it still today!
RD: Tell me a little about your endurance sport background?
Kenny: My brother and my trainer friend got me into it after the Challenge. Started with the NYRRC (New York Road Runners Club) then did some adventure races. Tough Mudder was first.
RD: Is the NYC Triathlon your first Olympic distance Tri?
Kenny: Yes it is.
RD: How have you prepared for the race? What did your training look like?
Kenny: I tore my pec in CrossFit three months ago, so it stopped me from training for a while, but now I'm back. I just do what I want, but everything gets done at least two times a week. Swim. Bike. Run.
RD: Many of RunnerDude's Blog's readers may not be aware that you're a certified personal trainer having worked several years at the Equinox gym in NYC. How has being a trainer helped prepare you for the NYC Tri? Do you find yourself using some of the same techniques on yourself that you'd use with your clients?
Kenny: Definitely. I understand the human body (particularly my own body) a lot more. I know where I can push myself and my clients and I know when to pull back.
RD: Often triathletes have one of the three triathlon events (Swim, Bike, Run) that don't like or that they feel is their weak spot. Is that true with you?
Kenny: Well, I feel like swimming will be the hardest for me because I don't do it as much as I feel like I should, but also because of my injury. My left side is still pretty tight from surgery.
RD: Transitioning between each sport is challenging and a lot of time can be lost during transitions. Share any tips/tricks you use for moving between the stages of the Tri.
Kenny: Have everything set up. Be ready to go and don't over think the transition. I find a lot of times I focus on that next stage and kind of stumble during transitions.
RD: How do you feel about the open water swim in the Hudson River? Were you able to do any open water training in prep for the race?
Kenny: Nah, I haven't. But, I have trained in the past. Not crazy about jumping in. Definitely the last place I'd want to swim in. Just don't want to come out growing an extra eyeball like the fish in the Simpson's [laugh].
RD: The bike and run course look fairly hilly. The run portion doesn't appear to have too many steep hills but there's lots of steady gain. What strategies (mental and physical) do you have in place for tackling the course?
Kenny: With anything I do, I lower my head and I keep going. I tackle everything with the same intensity.
RD: Gadgets and Gear can play an important part in the Tri. Do you have a preferred bike? GPS? Running Shoe?
Kenny: I use a Garmin watch. I'll be riding a Scott bike. I'll be running in my new Reeboks.
RD: What's the one must-have gadget or gear that's crucial to you?
Kenny: Padded shorts 1000%!! My ass has been taking a beating without them.
RD: Proper fueling and hydration is key in an endurance event. What's your
pre-run fueling consist of?
Kenny: Bagels and ZICO latte.
RD: What do you eat/drink during the race?
Kenny: Since it's my first one, I'm gonna try the gummy by Stinger and ZICO.
RD: I've been a big fan of ZICO coconut water for several years now. What benefits have you seen from using the product?
Kenny: It's great for hydrating and tastes really good. Never feel that lag.
RD: For post-race refueling, what do you use?
Kenny: French toast for sure from my buddy's restaurant on 13th and 3rd called Linen Hall.
RD: Describe your experience being a part of Team ZICO. Was it intimidating begin with professional athletes or did you feel right at home?
Kenny: Love ZICO. Everyone there including the athletes have been great.
RD: An impressive group of athletes make up Team ZICO. Who on the team do you admire the most?
Kenny: The twins [Laurel and Rebeccah Wassner]. They are amazing athletes.
RD: What's the biggest "ah ha" moment you had in prep for the NYC Tri?
Kenny: The amount of work that goes into training. How important transitions are.
RD: What advice do you have for someone thinking about their first triathlon?
Kenny: Just do it. Find one. Start training. Have fun!
RD: Do you have another race lined up on your own or as a part of Team ZICO?
Kenny: I have the Louisville Ironman in August.
RD: Most people know you as a reality-TV and MTV personality. What's something about Kenny Santucci that might surprise the readers?
Kenny: I'm a huge comic book nerd and I love Elvis.
Update: Kenny did indeed complete the Aquaphor NYC Triathlon and did well, especially for his first ever Olympic distance Triathlon.
Swim: 25:42
Transition 1: 5:35
Bike: 1:30:30
Transition 2: 3:33
Run: 52:02
Total Race Time: 2:56:49
Friday, August 2, 2013
Enter to Win a GoPro HERO3 Silver Edition Camera!
Ever want to digitally record your adventures running on the trail, traversing
technical terrain on your bike, or screaming down a zip line? Well now you can, with this awesome mountable action camera from GoPro.
The HERO3: Silver Edition (retails for $299.99) boasts the same high performance specs as the famous HD HERO2 camera it replaces, yet it has built-in WiFi and is 30% smaller and 25% lighter. The HERO3: Silver Edition is wearable and gear mountable, waterproof to 197 ft (60m) and is capable of capturing ultra-wide 1080p 30 fps and 720p 60 fps video plus 11MP photos at a rate of 10 photos per second.
The HERO3: Silver Edition's reduced-distortion aspherical lense combines with user-selectable 1080p Ultra-wide, Medium and Narrow field-o-views to deliver more perspective-capture options than previous models. The totally updated flat-lens waterproof housing delivers stunning image sharpness both above and below water.
Besides all the technical stuff above, this is a really cool camera/video recorder that allows you to take pictures and video in places you've never been able to before. You'll have a blast using it and the looking at the awesome results it produces.
Enter to Win!
Simply complete the entry options below and cross your fingers! Maybe you'll be the lucky winner! Last week, Larry McMaster from Oregon was the lucky winner of the Camelbak Cloud Walker Hydration backpack. Go Larry! You have until August 17th to enter. The winner will be announce on the blog on Sunday, August 18th.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
technical terrain on your bike, or screaming down a zip line? Well now you can, with this awesome mountable action camera from GoPro.
The HERO3: Silver Edition (retails for $299.99) boasts the same high performance specs as the famous HD HERO2 camera it replaces, yet it has built-in WiFi and is 30% smaller and 25% lighter. The HERO3: Silver Edition is wearable and gear mountable, waterproof to 197 ft (60m) and is capable of capturing ultra-wide 1080p 30 fps and 720p 60 fps video plus 11MP photos at a rate of 10 photos per second.
The HERO3: Silver Edition's reduced-distortion aspherical lense combines with user-selectable 1080p Ultra-wide, Medium and Narrow field-o-views to deliver more perspective-capture options than previous models. The totally updated flat-lens waterproof housing delivers stunning image sharpness both above and below water.
Besides all the technical stuff above, this is a really cool camera/video recorder that allows you to take pictures and video in places you've never been able to before. You'll have a blast using it and the looking at the awesome results it produces.
Enter to Win!
Simply complete the entry options below and cross your fingers! Maybe you'll be the lucky winner! Last week, Larry McMaster from Oregon was the lucky winner of the Camelbak Cloud Walker Hydration backpack. Go Larry! You have until August 17th to enter. The winner will be announce on the blog on Sunday, August 18th.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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