Sunday, December 30, 2018

Stepping Out of Your Box

A brand new year, 2019 is just a couple days away. For many, a new year is a time for resolutions and a fresh start. Resolutions are great, but only if you follow-through with them. More often than not, resolutions are so lofty and unattainable from the get-go that the individual who set them quickly gets discouraged and quits. 

My resolutions tend to be challenging, but not unattainable. I learned a log time ago, that If I have too many goals, I'm going to get discouraged when I realize I can't accomplish them all. I also learned a long time ago that in order for me to grow, I have to step out of my comfort zone. So, I tend to pick one goal that's going to push me, get me out of my comfort zone box.

Sometimes I've stepped out of that box by choice and other times I've been shoved. In both cases I've learned so much and become a stronger individual. Becoming a 5th grade teacher, moving my family to Greensboro to pursue a writing/editing career, speaking in front of large groups at national conferences, being laid off from a job of 13 years and going back to school at 45, opening a small business (who does that during the great recession?), coaching hundreds of runners, creating RunTheBoro. Each of these life events were hard. Sometimes I wondered if I was doing the right thing. I'm still growing. At times, I still wake up in a cold sweat thinking, "What am I doing?" "How am I going to get through this?" 

At times I had to force myself out of my element. But over the years I've learned that your element is not cut in stone. Your element is often self-imposed. Your element can change. It's up to you. 

So, make 2019 a year of positive change for yourself. Remember that stepping out of that box can be scary. Don't leap frog out of that box. Take it one step at a time and remember the RunnerDude mantra, "Trust. Believe. Conquer!"

Thursday, December 13, 2018

RunnerDude's 1000 Mile Club 2019

Welcome to the RunnerDude 1000 Mile Club! Your goal is to log 1000 miles between January 1, 2019 and January 1, 2020! These are your miles. You can run, walk, or run and walk your miles. These can be inside, outside, or inside and outside miles. Runners (and walkers) are awesome people and as such we’re using the honor system. You can choose to log your miles however you’d like. You can go old-school and record your miles on a wall calendar or you can use a fancy app. Club members have acces to a private Facebook group page to motivate one another and to celebrate their milestones. Post a picture when you reach your first 100 miles in your year-long challenge. Post a picture of soggy you when you run in that downpour cause you had to get in your miles. Post when you compete that race you’ve been wanting to run. Post a picture when you PR in a race during the next 12 months.
All club members reaching their 1000-mile goal will be featured here on  RunnerDude’s Blog in January 2020!
In 2018 we had 8 states represented in the club (NC, SC, GA, FL, OH, MO, NE, NY)! Let’s shoot for all 50 in 2019!
Also, members surpassing 1000 miles logging 1500 miles will receive a bonus! Top Secret!
WeeDoggie! You’re going to do amazing things over the next year. 

Cost for New Club Members: $40 (includes membership, T-shirt and magnet) T-Shirts are Unisex sized and are semi-fitted.

Holiday Special!

Save 25% through 1/1/19!

(Use Code BLITZ25 at checkout!)

Shortly after registering, you'll receive and email from RunnerDude with more specifics about the club. Your T-Shirt and Magnet will be shipped in late January.