Friday, December 8, 2017

RunnerDude Reviews Endurance Xtreme

I've never been a big user of supplements. I eat a pretty well-balanced and fairly clean diet.  Through my diet I get well above the recommended amounts of macro and micro nutrients needed on a daily basis.

By no means am I a nutrition expert, but I've had 100hrs of nutrition education and I've attended many sports nutrition related workshops and seminars including a weekend seminar by Nancy Clark a well-respected sports nutrition guru and someone I've followed for years and have read most of her books. She provides great practical nutritional advice for athletes. I feel I have a great handle on my own sports nutrition needs. Occasionally I've looked at sports supplements, but I've always questioned what's actually in them.  Do they actually do what they say they'll do.

John Ivy presented at one of the Nancy Clark seminars I attended. John Ivy has a Phd in Sports Physiology and has done a lot of research on the use of Beet root as a sports supplement. Beet root  has been shown to increase nitric oxide levels which improves blood flow and circulation. Nitric Oxide is a naturally occurring molecule that's found in plants. The amount varies from plant to plant. Research has shown that incorporating plants high in nitric oxide such as kale, beets, and spinach into your diet can support healthy blood pressure, cardiovascular health, and exercise endurance.

"Exercise endurance" is the part that gets my attention. If there is a natural way to help increase endurance, I'm all ears.

Dr. Jeffrey Blair, PhD; Certified
Nutritionist and Master Herbalist
Recently, Jeff Blair contacted me about a new sports endurance product he's developed, Endurance Xtreme. This product contains beet root for its nitric oxide benefits. This got my interest, so we met and he shared with me how he as an athlete he had struggled with endurance and finding the right supplement to help increase endurance and decrease recovery time. Jeff has a Phd in nutritional science and is the author of Runology and several other books. While doing research for his book Runology, he came across studies conducted on ancient herbs from Asia being used by athletes with great success. He began experimenting with doses and combinations of these ancient herbs. He was amazed to discover that a precise combination and dosage of these herbs dramatically increased his endurance and improved his recover time. And so Endurance Xtreme was born.

The ingredients in Endurance Xtreme have been clinically proven to increase oxygen uptake and utilization in the lungs and muscles. More oxygen uptake in the lungs and muscles means greater endurance. The herbs in Endurance Xtreme have also been shown to increase circulation during and after a workout and reduce lactic acid build up while reducing cortisol to speed recovery.

So what's in Endurance Xtreme? There are four main herbs used:
Cordyceps: A powerful mushroom that grows in the high altitude of the Himalayan Mountains and used by elite Chinese athletes for endurance. It has been clinically
proven to increase oxygen uptake and utilization as well as increase circulation.
Beet Root: Beet root powder can increase nitric oxide levels in blood vessels and improve blood flow and circulation.
Schisandra: Used by Asian athletes traditionally for strength and endurance.
Ashwagandha:  An herb from India traditionally used for energy, endurance, and cortisol reduction from stress and overexertion. 

I've used Endurance Xtreme on several runs and while I can't say in this limited time frame that yes, the product was the direct cause of a good run, I can say that all of the runs on which I've use Endurance Extreme were good runs and my recovery time was quicker leading into my next run.

So, if you're looking for an endurance and/or recovery supplement that's made from natural ingredients, I definitely recommend you give Endurance Xtreme a try.