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Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Is Asphalt Really Better Than Concrete?

Monday, June 29, 2009
Speed Workouts—Not Just Intervals

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Winner of the $25 RoadRunner Sports Gift Card Is...

I was amazed at the number and variety of energy supplements used. Some of the runners had good experiences and some had not so good. Most of the brands I had heard of, but I was introduced to some new ones as well. Here are some of the supplements mentioned:

- MRI Black Powder
- Hammer Gel
- Heed
- Perpetuem
- GU Gel
- GU Chomps
- Coffee
- Quercetin (not FRS)
- Emergen-C
- Jelly Belly Sports Beans
- Enlyten
- PowerBar's sport drink
- Gu2O
- Gatorade Endurance
- Crank eGel
- Succeed S!Caps
- Endurox R4
- Clif Shot Bloks
- Cytomax Gel
Need an Interval Workout?

Workout #3—Three sets: 1x1200m @ 10K race pace with 1-minute recovery, 1x400m @5K race pace with a 3-minute recovery (walk or jog) in between each set
• 200m = 1/2 lap (~1/8 mile)
• 400m = 1 lap (~1/4 mile)
• 1000m = 2.5 laps (~5/8 mile)
• 1200m = 3 laps (~3/4 mile)
• 1600m = 4 laps (~1 mile)
Keep in mind that it may take a few speed workouts before you're able to run the calculated speed.

Saturday, June 27, 2009
The Underwood Brothers Hard at Work Recruiting the Next Generation of Runners
Friday, June 26, 2009
The Benefits of Interval Training

• You'll increase your endurance. As your cardiovascular fitness improves you'll improve your aerobic capacity which means you'll be able to exercise longer and more intensely.

• You won't need any fancy equipment. All you need is a track, but actually you don't even need that if you can find a flat area and measure your repeat distances. Getting to a track can sometimes be difficult for me, but I discovered that the parking lot at one of our local parks is a half-mile loop which is basically 800meters. Perfect for interval training.
• You'll make your training week more interesting. Not only will you have a different experience to look forward to, you'll eventually begin to see how your other "regular" workouts are beginning to benefit from your interval training.
• You'll feel amazing after an interval workout. During the workout you may be cursing, but afterward, the sense of accomplishment is very rewarding.
• Consistent interval training can help to lower your resting heart rate. The more blood pumped per beat the less your heart needs to beat each minute. The more blood pumped per beat the LESS your heart needs to beat each minute. That's a good thing!
Advice from the Marathon Legends

Check out this great video clip of Shorter giving some solid marathon running advice.

Grete Waitz—“Running should become a long term thing. Make it a part of your lifestyle. Running is a great activity. I still get the same satisfaction of accomplishment no matter how fast I run. Don’t expect to enjoy every run, but enjoy what running does for you.”
Check out this clip recapping Grete's 9 wins at the NYC Marathon.

Alberto Salazar—“You've got to be prepared to train as hard or harder than anyone else, but you've also got to complement the training with recovery time.”
Check out this clip of Salazar's 1981 record-setting win at NYC.

Joan Benoit Samuelson— “During the marathon, I would see myself running easily on my favorite ten-mile loop. Then I would picture myself on a six-mile loop, followed by another ten-mile trail run. Dividing it up in my mind that way made the race seem shorter and more enjoyable.”
Check out this video clip of Joan winning the very first women's Olympic Marathon.

Check out this clip of Dean telling a group how to run 200 miles.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Hey Runners! At a Loss for How to Eat Better in Our Fast Food Culture? Check This Out!

So what do you do when you're at the drive-thru, faced with 500 options staring at you from the menu board? I don't know about you, but even on my most coherent days, I have trouble reading those things (couldn't possibly be due to my 44-year-old eyes). So often what comes out of my mouth is the easiest thing for me to remember—"Combo #1." Which usually this means something fried, with fries.
Well recently I stumbled across a great social site called WellSphere that's for people who have or who are striving for healthy lifestyles. Wellsphere’s mission is to help millions of people live healthier, happier lives by connecting them with the knowledge, people and tools they need to manage and improve their health. I joined the site and was quickly checking out all kinds of running and fitness-related communities and various members' blogs. Cool stuff!
The Wellternatives widget is located in the right column of the blog. Give it a try. Plug in some fast foods and see what suggestions pop up. Even if you don't go with the better option, just seeing the stats on the item you plug in can be enough to keep you from ordering your original choice. If you like it, you can click on the "get widget" link and add it to your blog or website. Or, just use the widget here on RunnerDude's blog.
10 Tips for Running to Lose Weight

Monday, June 22, 2009
Energy Supplements—Tell RunnerDude What You Think And Win Chance at a $25 RoadRunner Sports Gift Certificate!

RunnerDude is interested in your experiences using any of the energy supplements on the market, especially FRS. If you've used any energy supplement, let RunnerDude know how it worked for you by emailing your comments to runnerdudeblog@yahoo.com by Saturday, June 27th. Your email will be entered in a drawing for a $25 RoadRunnerSports gift certificate. The drawing will be held on Sunday, June 28th.
Beach Running 101

Even though I'm on vacation, I try not to lag too much in my running. I usually don't run as much as during a regular week nor do I run as hard but I still like to get in a few runs. Running on the beach I've discovered, can be quite the workout.
Here's a few pointers I discovered while on the run.
RunnerDude's Beach Running Tips:
1. Put on sunscreen, a hat, and sunglasses. My sunglasses are prescription, so I have no choice, but even if you don't wear glasses, the shades will keep harmful UV rays from your eyes as well as help keep the wind from blowing sand in them.
2. Wear your normal running clothes. Don't run in your swimsuit. You may experience some chaffing which wouldn't be too pleasant the next time you hop in the ocean.
3. Unless you're adept at barefoot running, wear you running shoes and socks just as you would on a regular run. Even if you're fine with barefoot running, I wouldn't risk stepping on a shell or a piece of glass that someone has left on the beach. Actually, if you have them, your trail running shoes are probably your best bet for beach running.
4. Be prepared for a slower pace than your regular run. If it's windy like it was this morning, then you'll be a lot slower. Also, running in the sand, even the hard-packed sand by the water, tends to slow you down a little.
5. Try to run around low tide when there's more hard-packed sand on which to run. The hard-packed sand near the water makes for a more stable run.
6. Keep your eyes open for shell hunters and little kids darting back and forth. I almost took out a 4-year-old on my run.
7. Keep an eye out for holes! Abandoned sandcastles or ones that have been wiped out by the tide may have holes. If you're not careful, you'll be in one with a sprained ankle. Not a good thing for vacation time.
8. Probably a good idea to run by time rather than distance. Often that pier you plan to run to is much further away than you think. If your regular run is a 40-min 5-miler, plan on running 20 minutes out and then head back. You're on vacation. Who cares if it's not exactly 5 miles.
9. Just because you're at the beach doesn't mean you have to run on the beach. Check with the local information center to see if there are any local running routes or greenways for you to use. On Emerald Isle, NC, they've built a paved path that follows the main road which runs through some pretty shaded areas.
10. Shake the sand out of your shoes entering the house or you'll get yelled at.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day to All the Running Dads Out There!

Need a Reason for Why You Should Start or Keep on Running? Here's 10!

9. Your Coordination—Running takes you on all types of surfaces that are flat and uneven, especially if you run trails. A runner has to learn how to gain control over his/her body to keep from stumbling and falling. This improved coordination helps prevent falls when not running. This becomes of particular importance as you get older.
10. Your Sanity—Running not only provides the many aforementioned physical benefits, it also provides you with a mental escape, time to think, or not to think, time to enjoy the outdoors and time to be with friends.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Want to Up Your Running Game?

Challenge: Try tucking your left foot behind your right heel and do 10 reps. Then, tuck your right foot behind your left foot and do 10 reps.

Alternative: To add an upper body element, get in the starting deep squat position and then put your hands out in front of you with your fingers touching the ground. Then, when you leap upward, raise your arms above you head and extend them as far as you can. Then return to the starting position upon landing.

Challenge: When you're at the top of the exercise and your pelvis is lifted, straighten each leg (one at at time) while still keeping the pelvis level.

Challenge: Once you're in the diagonal position lift the top leg toward the sky with your toes pointing forward; then return. Repeat 5 times on each side.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Running.....a Necessity of Fatherhood

Thursday, June 18, 2009
Need to Set A Running Goal? Let The Circle Help

Don't worry, RunnerDude's Blog isn't going anywhere. It's going strong (thanks to you, the readers) and daily posts will continue as well as the fun contests that you've made so successful.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
From My House to The White House

Tuesday, June 16, 2009
RunnerDude's "Most Worn-Out" Running Shoe Contest!

This contest is a chance to honor and celebrate those loyal trainers that have served you well, but are past their prime. Take a photo of your most "worn-out" pair of running shoes and email them to RunnerDude at runnerdudeblog@yahoo.com by July 1st. That gives you about 2 weeks! On July 2nd, the photos of the top 5 most worn-out running shoes will be posted on the blog for the RunnerDude's Blog Readers to view and vote on. Voting for the posted photos will open on Thursday, July 2nd and will stay open until Sunday, July 5th! Can't wait to see some of these shoes!

Run for a Cause—But Be Careful

The running community has a big heart and the turn out for many of these races is huge. Not only do these races help provide funds for the various organizations, some help provide a structured training program for many new runners to run their first half-marathon or full marathon. One of the first organizations to provide such a program is The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training® (TNT). Over the past 20 years, TNT has grown with over 389,000 participants, from first timers to seasoned athletes. The program now includes training for marathons, half marathons, triathlons, 100-mile century bike rides and hiking adventures.

As a rule of thumb, most marathon training plans expect a runner to have a wee

My intention is not to dampen any spirits or keep people from supporting their favorite charity. But, I do want non-runners and new runners to know exactly what they're getting into. The fundraising demands for some of these races are quite intense. For some, a couple thousand dollars have to be raised per participant. Some runners get caught up in the fund-raising and forget about the training. Both (fundraising and training) should have equal focus.
If you're an experienc

Listed below are a few of the many charities that offer half and full marathon programs. Check them out!
• The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Team In Training®—Rock n Roll San Antonio Marathon Nov. 2009; Women's Running Magazine Women's Half Marathon Nov. 2009; Honolulu Marathon Dec. 2009; Disney World Marathon Jan. 2010; P.F. Chang's Rock n Roll Marathon Jan. 2010
• Team Ronald McDonald House Charities—Bank of America Chicago Marathon October 2009
• Team Challenge Crohn's & Colitis Foundation—Rock n Roll Las Vegas Half Marathon December 2009
• Arthritis Foundation's Joints In Motion Training Team—Reggae Half and Full Marathons Dec. 2009; Walt Disney World Half and Full Marathons Jan. 2010
• St. Jude Hero Charity Athletes—Zooma Denver Half Sept 2009; Bank of America Chicago Marathon Oct. 2009; Marine Corps Marathon Oct. 2009; US Half Marathon Nov. 2009; St. Jude Memphis Marathon Dec. 2009
• Children's Tumor Foundation Endurance Team—Philadelphia Distance Run Half Marathon Sept 2009; Portland Marathon Oct. 2009; Rock n Roll San Jose Oct 2009; Twin Cities Marathon Oct. 2009; Hartford Marathon Oct. 2009; Bank of America Chicago Marathon Oct. 2009; Long Beach Marathon Oct. 2009; Columbus Marathon Oct. 2009; Marine Corps Marathon Oct. 2009; New York City Marathon Nov. 2009; Rock n Roll San Antonio Marathon Nov. 2009; Las Vegas Marathon Dec. 2009; Tucson Marathon Dec. 2009; Disney World Jan. 2010
The video clip below will give you more insight into the Team in Training Program.
Check out the video clip below to learn more about the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation's Team Challenge program.
Check out the video clip below about the Arthritis Foundation's Joints in Motion program.