I love the Yogi Berra quote, "You can observe a lot
just by watching." Although humorous, there’s a lot of truth to Yogi’s
statement. Problem with running is that it’s hard to watch yourself.
Which reminds me of something Thoreau said, “It is as hard to see one’s
self as to look backward without turning around.” You can learn from watching
others, but it’s pretty dang hard to watch yourself without tripping and
causing bodily harm. And that ain’t good. So, if you’re having some
issues with your running, what are you to do?
Well, you can read lots of books and there are a ton out
there, many with great information (just check out the Book Review section
of the blog). But, while all that info is great, it still may not apply to you
and your specific issues. You can visit a running coach like me and he/she can
give you great info, but unless I’m with you running every day, I’m still only
able to speak to you in generalities which reminds me of something Mark Twain
said, “All generalization are false, including this one.” (I love that.)
So, read the books and check in with your running coach or
sports doc. All that info will make you more informed and a better runner, but
then take it a step further. You need to analyze yourself. Keeping a
running journal is a great way to record your running habits. For years (before
the dawn of laptops, PDAs, tablets, iPhones and apps) I religiously kept a
running journal. I’d record my weekly mileage and jot down information about
the weather, my mood, and so on. This was a great way for me to mentally
reflect on my runs. The problem was that it was hard to track any trends
in my running. Good or bad.
Fortunately, today there are tons of apps and websites out
there that let your track all kinds of information about your daily running. I
use many of them myself. The only thing I’ve found lacking in them is they’re
still not catered to me. Any running is all about me, right? LOL! Well, when it
comes to figuring out why I’m having this ache or pain or that, it’s definitely
all about me.
I’ve found that tracking my runs on a spreadsheet can be
very helpful. Someone once said, “Half of analysis is anal.”
There are no words more true. So, I’m not recommending that your speed hours
tracking minute details of every run (unless you just like doing that), but if
you’re having some issues and can’t seem to find the answers to resolve them,
then sometimes taking a closer look at your running habits over a short period
of time can really be enlightening.
Customize your spreadsheet by creating column headers for
each type of run you do (trail, road, sidewalk, etc) as well as type of workout
(easy, long, tempo, intervals, hill work) and distance. Then add weather
conditions, your various shoes, time of day (morning, midday, afternoon). Next,
add more columns for other factors such as if you fueled pre- and post-run,
stretched pre- and post-run. Then add columns for aches and pains (sore
knees, sore ankles, sore hips, sore whatevers.) Finally add columns that rate
the run (Jubilant, Great, Mediocre, Horrible, etc.). The rows down the
first column (on the far left of your grid) are where you’ll record the date of
each run.
Now you're ready to start recording your data. For a month,
after each run scan across the columns and put a check mark in each column that
applies to that specific run.
Here comes the fun part. The thrill of the sort!
Spreadsheets are so wonderful because you can sort the data. Sort by the
various column headers and see what trends appear. For example if you’re having
issues with your knees, then do a sort by the “Sore Knee” column and only the
runs in which you’ve checked “Sore Knees” will appear. Now you can scan the
data and see what other data surfaces. You may see that every time you have
sore knees, you’re also wearing that older pair of running shoes. Or, maybe
it’s only on the days that you’re running on the sidewalk. Or maybe it’s the
days you’re wearing the older shoes and running on the sidewalk. In either
case, you can start to see certain trends and now you have something tangible
to help you make modifications. This will quickly help you see patterns in your
running that you can avoid or try to repeat.
Excel is Awesome! Thanks for sharing the info Chad. Hope all is going well your way man. I often look back in my logs and spreadsheets to see if there is a trend I should look out for, esp if I am not progressing. Take care.