Monday, July 25, 2011

Reader Appreciation Contest!

As a small token of my appreciation for all the support you, the readers, have given RunnerDude's Blog, I'm happy and honored to give everyone a chance to win one of two $50 Gift Cards!

Each and every day, I hear from runners all over the world. Some of you share your amazing stories of how running has helped you overcome life obstacles. Others share running goals achieved. Others ask training and injury related questions or share awesome recipes. I love and welcome it all. Spreading the world of running to anyone and everyone who will listen is a passion that I hope to continue for a very long time.

If you or someone you know would make a great Runner of the Week to be  featured on the blog, I'd love to hear your story of the story of your buddy. If you have ideas for posts or have running related questions, I'd love to hear those too. Just email me at

When you have a chance, check out RunnerDude's Blog as well as all the other awesome running blogs on The Top 100 Running Sites and the Website TopList!

To Enter the Contest.....
To enter the contest, simply email me at Put "Reader Appreciation" in the subject line of the email and then put your full name in the body of the email. Enter by midnight on July 31st. Each email will be assigned a number in the order that it's received. Then the TrueRandomNumberGenerator will be used to select the two winning emails. The two winners' names will be announced on the blog on Monday, August 1st, 2011. To be fair, only one entry from each person will be accepted. Additional emails sent will not be included in the drawing.

Best of luck and thanks for the support!!


misszippy said...

I'm going to my email now! Thank you

RunnerDude said...

Hi MissZippy! Awesome! Best of Luck and thanks for the support!

Caroline said...

sending an email now!
thank you for the chance!

RunnerDude said...

Awesome! Good luck, Caroline!!

Tina @GottaRunNow said...

Great giveaway! I find lots of good deals at and like the free 2 day shipping!